Systematic studies on the interaction of shear force bearing components in shear force models
While project C02 uses model tests to derive constitutive relationships for the most important load-bearing mechanisms involved in the transfer of shear stresses and transfers them to a pressure field model, the supplementary project C02* analyzes the shear force bearing components and their interaction directly using large-scale component tests. For this purpose, test specimens made of carbon-reinforced concrete are tested under different load and support situations in bending shear tests. The evaluation of the load-bearing components and the influence of the boundary conditions of the shear field due to the different load and support variants on the interaction of the load-bearing components is the focus of the research work. The use of modern, imaging measurement and evaluation methods allows a more detailed insight into the shear bearing behavior of carbon-reinforced concrete components.
![Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Josef Hegger [Translate to English:] Josef Hegger](/fileadmin/_processed_/f/0/csm_A-Hegger_Quadratisch_db0102b534.jpg)
D-52074 Aachen (Germany)
![M.Sc. Sarah Bergmann [Translate to English:] Sarah Bergmann](/fileadmin/_processed_/4/b/csm_C02_Bergmann_quadratisch_6ea7676bcc.jpg)
D-52074 Aachen
Publikationen | Publications
Liebold, F.; Bergmann, S.; Bosbach, S.; Adam, V.; Marx, S.; Claßen, M.; Hegger, J.; Maas, H.-G. (2023) Photogrammetric Image Sequence Analysis for Deformation Measurement and Crack Detection Applied to a Shear Test on a Carbon Reinforced Concrete Member in: Ilki, A.; Çavunt, D.; Çavunt, Y. S. [eds.] Building for the Future: Durable, Sustainable, Resilient – Proc. of fib Symposium 2023, 05.–07.06.2023 in Istanbul (Turkey), publ. in: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 350, Cham: Springer, p. 1273–1282 – DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-32511-3_130