Computational Homogenization and Multi-Scale Modelling Employing an Image-Based Approach for the Structural Analysis of Shells
The complementary project C03* focuses on modeling the non-linear material behavior of concrete. While the geometric modeling is dealt with in detail in project C03, the material behavior is described using conventional models. However, for an improved description of the non-linear behavior of concrete, highly sophisticated and complex material models are required. Therefore, a non-linear constitutive law based on micro-plane models is going to be adapted and implemented in the isogeometric shell formulation from C03. The resulting geometrically and materially non-linear shell formulation enables a realistic representation of the mechanical behavior and crack formation of a carbon-reinforced concrete shell.

![Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sven Klinkel [Translate to English:] Sven Klinkel](/fileadmin/_processed_/c/f/csm_A-Klinkel_Quadratisch_bd2b0ef37c.jpg)
D-52074 Aachen (Germany)

52074 Aachen
Veröffentlichungen | Publications
Kikis, G. (2022) Locking and Brittle Fracture in Isogeometric Reissner-Mindlin Plate and Shell Analysis [Dissertation]. Lehrstuhl für Baustatik und Baudynamik, RWTH Aachen University.
Kikis, G.; Mester, L.; Chudoba, R.; Klinkel, S. (2023) Application of a microplane damage model for concrete to an isogeometric scaled boundary formulation for 3D solids in: Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 23, issue1 – Special Issue: 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), e202200246 – DOI: 10.1002/pamm.202200246
Kikis, G.; Mester, L.; Spartali, H.; Chudoba, R.; Klinkel, S. (2023) Analyse des Trag- und Bruchverhaltens von Carbonbetonstrukturen im Rahmen des SFB/TRR 280 in: Bauingenieur 98, issue 07–08, p. 218–226 – DOI: 10.37544/0005-6650-2023-07-08-40
Studentische Arbeiten | Student’s works
Elisová, A. (2022) Comparison of Different Numerical Models for Concrete and their Implementation [Master Thesis]. mit | with C03