Public Relations of the TRR 280 | Funding Period 2
Scientific communication
Service project Ö aims to raise awareness of carbon-reinforced concrete (CRC) construction and to gain social acceptance and political and industrial support for this innovative construction method. The public relations work focuses on communicating the vision of sustainable construction to various target groups through targeted communication strategies.
Particular emphasis is placed on inspiring young people to pursue a career in building with CRC and convincing decision-makers to implement the new approaches in the construction industry. The project acts as a mediator between different interest groups and contributes to the practical implementation of new construction methods. Various measures and activities are organized to reach a broad public and make the research results visible.

Continuation and expansion of existing communication channels:
- Bilingual website
- Instagram channel and news modules
- Video portraits of the projects

Public events:
- Participation in the Long Night of Science at the various locations
- Organization of the Archimedean Sandbox as part of the Future Lab in Aachen 2025

Vacation projects and career information for children and young people:
- Continuation of the Concrete Art Projects during the summer vacations
- Video clips on various job profiles in the TRR
- Participation in activities to recruit students (e.g. TryING, open house days)
- Cooperation with schools and active communication of offers

Creative workshops and scientific events within TRR 280:
- Inspirational and networking workshops for students and doctoral researchers from different disciplines
- Conducting and documenting demonstrator initiatives

High-profile demonstrator projects:
- Creation of an object from CRC for the Botanical Garden in Dresden
- Planning and implementation of demonstrators from summer 2027

Addressing decision-makers in business and politics:
- Conducting sustainability workshops for people from politics and industry
- Presence at high-level industry events


01062 Dresden (Germany)
![Prof. Dr. habil. Rostislav Chudoba [Translate to English:]](/fileadmin/_processed_/8/6/csm_C04_Chudoba_quadratisch_alvarez_7c23844458.jpg)
52074 Aachen (Germany)
![Dipl. Designer Angela Alvarez y Leal [Translate to English:] Bild zeigt das Dummy-Portraitfoto von Angela Alvarez](/fileadmin/_processed_/7/8/csm_Alvarez_Quadratisch_01_ebbcbc8142.jpg)
D-52074 Aachen (Germany)
![Geprüfter Medienfachwirt Digital (IHK) Stefan Gröschel [Translate to English:] Stefan Groeschel](/fileadmin/_processed_/d/7/csm_gr%C3%B6schel_quadratisch_b5373136f0.jpg)
D-01062 Dresden (Germany)
Ehemalige | Former involved
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Claßen (Teilprojektleiter, RWTH Aachen, 07/2020 – 06/2024)
Dr.-Ing. Silke Scheerer (Teilprojektleiterin, TU Dresden, 07/2020 – 06/2024)
Public Relations of the TRR 280 | Funding Period 1
Vision, Association, Communication for Sustainable Construction Methods of the Future
The task of project Ö is to make the development and results of the CRC/Transregio 280 research teams visible and accessible to the public. With a developed umbrella concept – vision, association, communication –, the public will sensitize to visionary construction forms and sustainable building with carbon-reinforced concrete.
Specially tailored steps for target groups, such as the production of short films and the inclusion of art in science, are intended to promote comprehensibility and help to engage with the topic in an interdisciplinary way. Real and virtual demonstrators will also help to present research results. An important part of these programmes is the involvement of pupils and students, who are an important factor in realizing visions in the building industry as well as in other disciplines. The research results will be prepared in a way that is suitable for the target group and communicated to the public via various media channels (press, radio, social media platforms).

Publikationen | Publications
SFB/Transregio 280 [ed.] (2023) ENTDECKUNG · Sichtbarmachung einer Symbiose · Natur + Beton. Katalog zur Ausstellung. Dresden: Institut für Massivbau der TUD und Aachen: Lehrstuhl und Institut für Massivbau der RWTH.